PostgreSQL Quickstart Guide

Install and configure PostgreSQL server on Ubuntu

Install PostgreSQL server on Ubuntu (22.04)

To install install the packages with the following commands

$ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Roles and Databases

Default postgres uses roles to handle authentication and authorization similar to users and groups.

The installation created a user account called postgres as default. To use this account to access postgres you can run the following command to switch over

$ sudo -i -u postgres

After switching over to the account you can access the postgres prompt with the following command

$ psql

To quit the prompt use the command


Creating a New Role

Using the default postgres account, you can create new roles. Log into the postgres account.

$ sudo -i -u postgres

After switching over run the following command and follow the prompts to create a new role

$ createuser --interactive


Enter name of role to add: rolename
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y

To login with ident based authentication a linux user with the same name as the created role must exist. To create a new user in linux you can use the following command:

$ sudo adduser username

Create a New Database

By default postgres authentication system assumes any role used to log in has a database with the same name that it is able to access.

This means by default if you create a role by the name of “erick” then it would expect a database called “erick” to log into by default.

To create a database first login to the default postgres account:

$ sudo -i -u postgres

After the switch over run the create database command and name it the same as the previously created role:

$ createdb rolename

Access Postgres Prompt with the New Role

Switch over to the user that was created earlier that has a matching role.

$ sudo -u username


$ psql

Note: If you would like to connect to a different database than the default user database, you can use the following command to specify the database:

$ psql -d databaseName

Confirm Current Connection Information

Run the following command to see the current database connection information

rolename=# \conninfo
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